- Tên tài khoản:
- maya20001984
- Giới tính:
- Con gai
- Nơi cư ngụ:
- New York, United States
- Mục tiêu:
- Tìm bạn bốn phương
- Sơ lược về bản thân:
am a very goood looking young girl searching for love from any part of the world and i know i will find love and am kind and caringam a very goood looking young girl searching for love from any part of the world and i know i will find love and am kind and caring
am a very goood looking young girl searching for love from any part of the world and i know i will find love and am kind and caringam a very goood looking young girl searching for love from any part of the world and i know i will find love and am kind and caring
Tìm bạn bốn phương, Hẹn hò, Kết bạn ở New York - United States
- Tên tài khoản:
- goodnessbaby
- Giới tính:
- Con trai
- Nơi cư ngụ:
- New York, United States
- Mục tiêu:
- Tìm bạn bốn phương
- Sơ lược về bản thân:
I am very kind and honest girl who is looking for life patiner. I enjoy making my friends laugh because their laughter makes me happy so I hope to find people who likes to laugh or who wouldn't mind making me laugh. If you are that someone please feel free to say hi or chat with me.
I am very kind and honest girl who is looking for life patiner. I enjoy making my friends laugh because their laughter makes me happy so I hope to find people who likes to laugh or who wouldn't mind making me laugh. If you are that someone please feel free to say hi or chat with me.